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Sandra Ford

Sandra was born in Ayr, Qld. Growing up in the Burdekin area Sandra was immersed in its diverse ecosystems, open forests, lagoons, coastal mangroves and sand dunes.

Her intrinsic love of plants and art became entwined. Her aptitude for art was encouraged during high school years, her skills using watercolour and oils developed.

During her early adult years in Mackay Sandra had lessons from artist Clem Forbes and was fortunate to exhibit at the prestigious Bakehouse Gallery.

Sandra moved to Mossman in the 1970s where she currently lives. Her home is on the doorstep of the World Heritage Daintree National Park and the Mossman Gorge.

Sandra has documented many of the native species and has acquired extensive knowledge of her natural surrounds.

Her artworks have been exhibited at the Cairns Regional Gallery, Cooktown's Nature Powerhouse Gallery and other group exhibitions. Sandra‘s artwork is featured in Rupert Russell's book "Amongst Trees”. Her work is currently represented in the "Artistic Endeavour" exhibition.

Sandra has many an interesting story to tell of her observations of specimens in their natural and often dangerous locations.

Sandra’s superb illustrations reflect her extensive knowledge and passion for plants.



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Sonneratia caseolaris

The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.
PO Box 1007
Mitcham North VIC 3132

ABN 14 809 478 761

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