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Amanda Blake-Sutterby

I have always had an instinctive desire to paint, and botanic art allows me the opportunity to explore and learn about plants and their unique qualities which are often depicted in minute details. I am essentially self-taught, and I cannot remember a time when painting was not a part of my life. I enjoy the continuum of learning, the lessons from my peers and that as a botanic artist, age is no barrier.

Since childhood, I have had a deep appreciation of nature. I enjoy deepening my knowledge and understanding of plants and the environment through art and actively encourage others through botanic art to gain the same.

I believe my art celebrates the beauty of the natural world in a clean and uncomplicated way. I like to think there is a clarity to my work that addresses order and randomness, both of which co-exist in nature perfectly. I am drawn to some of the lesser-known native flora species, especially those endemic to the Grampians region of Victoria. The Grampians National Park is my childhood home and my family still reside there. I visit frequently.

I gain enormous satisfaction in creating a well-crafted botanic painting that provides a platform for exquisite flora, and a form of visual education, particularly if that species is threatened or endangered. I currently teach botanic illustration at the Geelong Botanic Gardens Vic, and I regularly conduct workshops throughout Victoria.

My artwork is held in the National Herbarium of Victoria and has been reproduced for Calendars for the Friends of the Geelong Botanic Gardens and Royal Botanic gardens Melbourne. My painting of Physalis peruviana won the inaugural WAMA (Wildlife Arts Museum Australia) people’s choice award and since 2010 I have exhibited in the renowned TABI (The Art of Botanic Illustration) exhibition in Melbourne.

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The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.
PO Box 3382
Exeter NSW 2579

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